Sabtu, 02 Januari 2016

New Year Special Post : Reflection, Resolutions and Awards

Before I continue this post, let me send you a greeting : HAPPY NEW YEAAARRRR!! Wish you a great year of 2016.

2015 was a big hit for me that a lot of things happened in that year. Things went really well with my college life, and I ended it with a graduation. Shit just got real after that, three months (and more) of being unemployed, applying here and there but don’t make it yet. Well, last year was a roller coaster and by this post, I want to show you the things that I’ve done last year and the resolutions that I got for this year (and awards at the end of this post). So, let’s break it down.

- KKN : Satu setengah bulan di Wonogiri, tempat asing buat gue yang ngga pernah ke sana sebelumnya. It was fun! Meeting a lot of new people, living together with 7 new friends, contributing myself to be part of they society, they gave things to learn and I enjoyed it.
- Breaking up : That was my first (kind of) serious relationship, and then things didn’t go really well and we decided to stop seeing each other anymore. Like what Taylor Swift said, "Even if it ends badly it's worth it if it made you feel something, if it taught you something”.
- Tugas Akhir : Tugas Akhir slash TA slash Skripsi slash five months of strugle. Penghabisan dari kehidupan perkuliahan. Gue banyak belajar dari Tugas Akhir : kerja keras, kerja sama, kesabaran dan endurance.
- Sidang Pendadaran : Kalo skripsi itu penghabisan, pendadaran adalah penghisaban (?). My thesis defence didn’t go really well, but I’m glad to spend the most important two-hours of my life in that room (I must admit that I was kind of slaughtered).
- TOEFL : I got my first TOEFL test at a private institution in Solo. And guess what? My score is 590, well, I didn’t quite believe it because I think the test was too easy. I should find another place and prove that score.
- Graduation : Graduation slash wisuda slash kehebohan keluarga karena harus pada dateng ke Solo. Wuwwuwuwuwu!! Akhirnya, setelah 4 tahun lebih kuliah, akhirnya ngerasain juga pake toga dan jubah wisuda (PANAS BANGET TERNYATA). Guys, gue kasih tau, liat Mamake & Bapake tersenyum pas gue wisuda itu priceless banget. Yang  belum wisuda, buruan deh rasain sensasinya dibanggain sama orang tua. :)
- Ditolak bank Mandiri :  First major heart break in my life. Setelah ‘penolakan’ itu, gue sadar kalo hidup gue kayaknya terlalu lancar, and then this shit happened. Sampe sekarang kadang-kadang gue masih kepikiran : Gue salah di mana? Gue harusnya gimana? Gimana kalo gue keterima? Gimana kalo gue sekarang lagi di jakarta dan dalam proses belajar soal perbankan? Ya pada akhirnya gue harus balik lagi ke kenyataan kalo emang jalan gue bukan di sana. Ehe.

Kayaknya cuma itu doang sih highlight tahun kemaren, paling ada beberapa hal ngga penting lain yang ngga perlu gue ceritain, okay, langsung aja menuju part selanjutnya. Check it out!

- KERJA. KERJA. KERJA. : Paling penting. Pokoknya apapun yang terjadi, tahun ini gue harus kerja. Rasanya udah lama banget gue ngga berfoya-foya, eh, maaf, pokoknya ya gitu. Hidup di bawah naungan orang tua adalah hal paling memalukan buat gue saat ini. Mohon do’anya ya teman-temanku. Ehe.
- Jadi ganteng : Sebenernya ini resolusi yang... emm.. ya gitu lah ya. Muka gue sekarang lagi ada dalam titik terjeleknya, dimana kalo dari jauh keliatan kayak spanduk warung pecel lele, kalo dari deket kayak upil kering.  Pokoknya tahun ini gue mau jadi ganteng. Titik.
- Sehat sepanjang tahun : Semoga tahun ini gue bisa memulai gaya hidup sehat, makan sehat dan olahraga.
- Perbanyak nonton film and TV series
- Rutin nulis buat postingan blog minimal 5 post tiap bulan
Gue ngga mau muluk-muluk sih, itu aja di atas cukup. I really hope that this year will be better than last year. I wish I’ll become a better person, know more things and get much money. :)

Sebagai penutup gue akan mempersembahkan “Yoga Awards 2015”, these are things that got my attention in the last year :
- Movie of the year : “Kingsman : The Secret Service” (following : “Mad Max : Fury Road”, “The Intern”, “Spy”, “Jurassic World”, “Creed”, “Inside Out”)
- TV Series of the year : "The Newsroom" (following : "How To Get Away With Murder", "And Then There Were None")
- Song of the year : “Hello” – Adele
- KPOP song of the year : “Up & Down” – EXID
- KPOP artist of the year : EXID’s Hani
- Food of the year : Cilok
- Day of the year : 7 Juli 2015
- Occasion of the year : Graduation

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7 Hal Yang Gue Pelajari di Umur 23 Tahun

Happy birthday to me!! Ehe Ehe. Ndak terasa tiba tiba udah 23 tahun aja, perasaan baru tahun kemaren ngerayain ulang tahun yang ke 22. Ehe ...